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Note: For information about me and my novels, visit my website  elizataye.com .  Disclaimer: This blog is solely for the purpose of givin...

Friday, April 30, 2021

Character Profile and Interview: Chang


When I’ve written character profiles and interviews before, I’ve always put them on one page along with a spoiler alert. However, in order to ask the best questions of each character, I had to reveal key plot points in either the questions or the answers, so for the character profiles and interviews for Terra Sea Merge, they will be split between here and my website. At the end, you’ll find a link to a private post page on my website with the interview portion of the post that you’ll need a password to access. The password will come from a line in the book. At the bottom of each post, I’ll specify where it can be found.


Character Profile

Name: Chang Lee

Age: 16

Height: 6’0

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Deep Brown

GPA: 4.0

Marine Interest: Deep-Sea Engineering


Personality Description:

Chang Lee is a quiet, pensive teen who only speaks when he has something important to say. Highly intelligent, he prefers to spend most of his time in solitude tinkering with various gadgets and exploring the principles of engineering. Although a loner, at times he can switch to being an ambivert to survive necessary social interactions before returning to his normal introverted state. Constantly striving for perfection, Chang will take any amount of time necessary to excel in everything he does. He takes the same attitude with his friendships, going above and beyond to be the most supportive, loyal, perfect friend he can be.


Chang has the ISTJ-A or Logistician personality type. If you want to read more about this personality type, you can visit https://www.16personalities.com/istj-personality.


To read Chang’s interview, click here, and for the password, enter the fifth word in Chapter 33 of Terra Sea Merge.  

Friday, April 23, 2021

Character Profile and Interview: Tessa



When I’ve written character profiles and interviews before, I’ve always put them on one page along with a spoiler alert. However, in order to ask the best questions of each character, I had to reveal key plot points in either the questions or the answers, so for the character profiles and interviews for Terra Sea Merge, they will be split between here and my website. At the end, you’ll find a link to a private post page on my website with the interview portion of the post that you’ll need a password to access. The password will come from a line in the book. At the bottom of each post, I’ll specify where it can be found.


Character Profile

Name: Tessa Abbott

Age: 17

Height: 5’9

Hair Color: Blue-Black Ombre (Natural hair color dark brown)

 Eye Color: Sky Blue

GPA: 3.6

Marine Interest: Medicinal Properties of Enzymes in Deep-Sea Fish Digestive Systems


Personality Description:

Tessa Abbott is a die-hard adrenaline junkie. Fearless, she goes after any opportunity to participate in heart-pounding experiences that would paralyze most other people with fear. On the surface, people often dismiss her as reckless, but in reality, she’s a studious individual. Confident, she quickly makes a decision and sticks to it without any reservations. Both her curiosity and fearlessness led her to an interest in all things deep sea and the desire to dive into the abyss one day. Although she enjoys furthering her knowledge, if given the choice between staying indoors and doing extra studying or practicing an extreme sport, she’d chose the latter.


Tessa has the Entertainer or ESFP-A personality type. If you want to read more about this personality type, you can visit https://www.16personalities.com/esfp-personality.


To read Tessa’s interview, click here, and for the password, enter the fourth word in Chapter 26 of Terra Sea Merge.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Character Profile and Interview: Ava


When I’ve written character profiles and interviews before, I’ve always put them on one page along with a spoiler alert. However, in order to ask the best questions of each character, I had to reveal key plot points in either the questions or the answers, so for the character profiles and interviews for Terra Sea Merge, they will be split between here and my website. At the end, you’ll find a link to a private post page on my website with the interview portion of the post that you’ll need a password to access. The password will come from a line in the book. At the bottom of each post, I’ll specify where it can be found.


Character Profile

Name: Ava Samai

Age: 15

Height: 5’2

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eye Color:  Dark brown (mocha-colored)

GPA: 3.9

Marine Interest:  Marine Mammal’s Diving Physiology


Personality Description:

Ava Samai is a quiet, reserved, brilliant individual. Shy, she often hides her intelligence for fear of being singled out. Not one to boast, she often downplays her accomplishments. Highly inquisitive, Ava loves to learn about the world around her. Although technologically savvy, she also is interested in the natural world. Her curiosity can sometimes lead to a crack in her shell, but she quickly returns to being shy. Having a big heart, Ava finds it hard to say no to someone in need and will go out of her way to help a complete stranger.


Ava has the ISFP-T or Adventurer personality type. If you want to read more about this personality type, you can visit https://www.16personalities.com/isfp-personality.



To read Ava’s interview, click here, and for the password, enter the third word in Chapter 23 of Terra Sea Merge.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Character Profile and Interview: Thamina


When I’ve written character profiles and interviews before, I’ve always put them on one page along with a spoiler alert. However, in order to ask the best questions of each character, I had to reveal key plot points in either the questions or the answers, so for the character profiles and interviews for Terra Sea Merge, they will be split between here and my website. At the end, you’ll find a link to a private post page on my website with the interview portion of the post that you’ll need a password to access. The password will come from a line in the book. At the bottom of each post, I’ll specify where it can be found.


Character Profile

Name: Thamina Barnes

Age: 17

Height: 5'6

Hair Color:  Medium Brown

Eye Color: Brown

GPA: 4.0

Marine Interest: Coral Reefs


Personality Description:

Thamina Barnes is your typical go-getter. She doesn’t allow anything to stand in the way of her success. A quick learner, she easily picks up new languages and skills, making it easy for her to adapt to the shifting lifestyle of her ever-on-the-move family. With her life experience and outgoingness, she easily makes friends wherever she goes. As a loyal friend, she’ll stick up for others but always tries to see both sides of an argument in true diplomatic fashion. Fascinated with gaining new knowledge in every possible subject, Thamina is always eager to learn something new.


Thamina has the Protagonist or ENFJ-A personality type. If you want to read more about this personality type, you can visit https://www.16personalities.com/enfj-personality.


 To read Thamina’s interview, click here, and for the password, enter the second word in Chapter 18 of Terra Sea Merge.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Character Profile and Interview: Brodie


When I’ve written character profiles and interviews before, I’ve always put them on one page along with a spoiler alert. However, in order to ask the best questions of each character, I had to reveal key plot points in either the questions or the answers, so for the character profiles and interviews for Terra Sea Merge, they will be split between here and my website. At the end, you’ll find a link to a private post page on my website with the interview portion of the post that you’ll need a password to access. The password will come from a line in the book. At the bottom of each post, I will specify where it can be found.


Character Profile


Name: Brodie Thompson

Age: 16

Height: 5’11

Hair Color:  Dirty-Blond

Eye Color:  Gray-Green

GPA: 3.7

Marine Interest:  Hydrothermal Vents


Personality Description:

Brodie Thompson is a focused, determined individual who will do anything to pursue his dreams. He thinks he always knows what’s right or better over others and is quick to dismiss another’s ideas, which makes him come off as judgmental and sometimes offensive. Often suspicious of others, he’s convinced most people have an agenda when in reality, he’s usually the one with an agenda. Very inquisitive about his environment, Brodie often spends time learning about the ecology of his home in Guam. Interested in all sorts of water sports, whenever he isn’t studying the natural world, he’s enjoying water skiing, surfing, kayaking, wakeboarding, and sailing.



Brodie has the Entrepreneur or ESTP-A personality type. If you want to read more about this personality type, you can visit https://www.16personalities.com/estp-personality.


To read Brodie’s interview, click here to go to my website and for the password, enter the first word in Chapter 9 of Terra Sea Merge.