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Blog Commencement Notice

Note: For information about me and my novels, visit my website  elizataye.com .  Disclaimer: This blog is solely for the purpose of givin...

Friday, September 1, 2017

Blog Continuation Announcement

Due to the fact that I hadn’t originally planned on Oceania: The Underwater City becoming a series, I planned on a string of blog posts about Oceania to continue until I wrote another novel. Now, that the story is continuing in Allie’s Return, I will be reducing the blog posts to once a month instead of bi-weekly. Each post will relate to Allie’s Return instead of Oceania and will include some character backstories, another special on the sea creatures in the novel, other special extras, and more. New posts will not begin until Allie’s Return is released.

Allie's Return

Coming out September 22nd on Amazon Kindle